Industrial Units to Let Nationwide
We currently manage and control a substantial portfolio comprising of office, trade counter, industrial space and modern multi occupied space spread throughout the UK. We strive continuously to ensure that we are providing the best value, the best commercial properties and the best commercial locations - to attract only the very best tenants.
"If you are an Owner or a Landlord in need of experienced specialist and expert advice, and you are considering outsourcing the management and running of your Commercial Property portfolio then please contact us direct to find out what we can do for you."
Our Mission Statement
"...To be recognised and respected as a provider of well managed business space throughout the UK...and at the same time performing as an efficient and profitable commercial property investment business..."
Services we provide
Spencer Brook Commercial Property
We have extensive experience throughout the commercial property sector. Our attitude to property management is based on two important beliefs. First, with both acquisition and on-going management we are always looking at the potential to improve the asset, rather than merely maintaining the status quo. As a minimum, maintenance of income and asset value must be achieved, but our current successful track record has been obtained by maximising the physical and financial potential of each asset within the portfolio, achieving gains in value over the longer term. Secondly we adopt a direct, hands-on approach to management and maintain close contact with tenants.
Our philosophy is that the landlord and tenant relationship is of paramount importance and the key to improving long-term returns and value. Spencer Brook recognise that different investors have different portfolio objectives and, in providing services, we look to understand each investor's specific needs and align the services provided accordingly. Our sole aim, when providing services, is to ensure each investor's individual strategy realises its full potential. A well structured and efficient property asset management service maximises the income and profitability of every commercial property portfolio.
Whether on a single property or portfolio wide basis, Spencer Brook can advise on the correct strategy to maximise income and capital returns and all aspects of property management are covered, including:
- Rent Reviews & Lease Renewals
- Monitoring of Landlord and Tenant obligations
- Appointing and co-coordinating all other external consultants as necessary
- Insurance valuations and management of insurance policies
- Service charge calculation and reconciliation
- Rent and service charge collections, utilising the latest property management software
- Supervision of all debt litigation matters
- Service Charge administration including supplier and utility payment within agreed budget limits
- Planned maintenance
- Provision of regular and comprehensive client reports detailing asset performance